Job vacancies in Hong Kong Government

Career Highlight

Air Traffic Flight Services Officer

Air Traffic Flight Services Officer (ATFSO) are supporting staff to ATCO. Their main duties include processing of flight data and aeronautical information using advanced computer systems. ATFSO are recruited locally and they normally enter the service as ATFSO III at pay scale of TPS Pt. 5 to 6. Training of ATFSO is provided in-house in accordance with a departmental training programme. After each course of instructions, the officer will undergo on-the-job training in the Air Traffic Control Centre, Control Tower and the Aeronautical Information Centre. Successful completion of basic training will lead to attainment of qualifications as required for promotion to ATFSO II rank.

Please watch the video for more information about the work of the post of Air Traffic Flight Services Officer.

Organisation chart
Official recruitment page


Current job vacancies

Non Civil Servants
$93,255 per month
Non Civil Servants
$137,085 per month
Non Civil Servants
$71,010 per month
Non Civil Servants
$137,085 per month
Non Civil Servants
$137,085 per month
Non Civil Servants Part-time
$459 per hour
Non Civil Servants
$137,085 per month
Non Civil Servants Part-time
$459 per hour
Non Civil Servants
$93 per hour
Non Civil Servants
$127 per hour
Non Civil Servants
$32,545 per month
Non Civil Servants
$35,915 per month
Non Civil Servants
$13,315 per month
Non Civil Servants
$41,530 per month
Non Civil Servants
$65,875 per month
Non Civil Servants
$129,375 per month
Civil Servants
$43,745 per month
Civil Servants
$22,725 per month




申請時間: 2020-08-20 (己截止)
考試時間: 2020-10-10

Closing Soon

入境事務助理員 - 入境事務處
一般紀律人員(主任級)薪級表第7點 (每月 41,380元)至一般紀律人員(主任級)薪級表第26點 [註(a)] (每月 88,250元)。
入境事務助理員 - 入境事務處
二級懲教助理 - 懲教署
一般紀律人員(主任級)薪級表第7點 (每月 41,380元)至一般紀律人員(主任級)薪級表第26點 [註(a)] (每月 88,250元)。
關員 - 香港海關
月薪港幣 64,270–93,710 元﹝入職薪酬視乎有關學歷和工作經驗而定﹞,另加約滿酬金。
一般紀律人員(主任級)薪級表第7點 (每月 41,380元)至一般紀律人員(主任級)薪級表第26點 [註(a)] (每月 88,250元)。
月薪港幣40,515 – 44,555元 (入職薪酬視乎有關學歷及工作經驗而定)
入境事務助理員 - 入境事務處